
17:54 | 5.09.2013 | Viewed 2311

Georgians Played in Top 14



Four rounds were held in Top 14, French national rugby first division, and three Georgian legionaries among 15 has not played.

Mamuka Gorgodze, third liner of Georgian national team and “Montpelier”, got a trauma on his knee and will not play till October. Zurab Zhvania has not played yet in the first group of “Stade Francais” of this year. Zaza navrozashvili could not show himself yet in “Bordo”, who moved to France in winter.

If we do not consider traumatized players, almost all Georgian legionaries played in the 4th round of Top 14. The champion of France, host “Castres” of Anton Peikrishvili and “Stade Francais” of Davit Kubriashvili and Zurab Zhvania and won over them 38:10. Peikrishvili was not in the list due to his trauma. Zhvania was not in the list either and Kubriashvili joined the game at the 47th minute, but he could not help French team. After winning the round 12:10, the hosts scored 4 unanswered tries and bonus points were recorded, in the result, “Castres” took 3rd place with 12 points, and “Stade Francais” remained 10 points and decreased until 6th position.

“Montpellier” visited “Bordeaux” and won over it 36:29. Navrozashvili and Gorgodze were not in the list, as for Nariashvili, who played all games of this season, got through the 15 three times in a row and was substituted at the 48th minute. “Montpellier” advanced 13:0 but the opponent managed to equalize score and then advanced 16:13 at the 34th minute. The guests were sin-binned in this episode. But “Montpellier” managed to gain 10 points and won the half 23:16. At the beginning of the second half the hosts minimized the difference to 2 points but the guests kept advantage and finally won the match. The opponent gained only bonus point. After two wins in a row, “Montpellier” is in the 5th place with 11 points and “Bordeaux” – in the 8th place with 9 points.

“Clermont”, leader of “Top 14”, defeated “Bayonnais” 55:0 and scored 7 tries. Davit Zirakashvili is injured and was not on the list.

“Perpignan” of Giorgi Zhgenti won over “Grenoble” by bonus point. The team scored five tries and won 36:13. The Georgian rugby player was in lineup for the second time but got injury at the 33rd minute and was substituted. “Perpignan” is in the 7th place with 10 points.

The show up of Levan Chilachava and Kote Mikautadze turned out successful for “Toulonnais”. They played in this season for the first time. Chilachava was in lineup and played for 69 minutes. He was very active. Mikautadze was on the list and started playing at the 56th minute. The winner of “Heineken Cup” defeated “Brive” of Goderdzi Shvelidze and Karlen Aseishvili 62:12. Aseishvili was on the list. He showed upat the 47th minute and was sin-binned at the 54th minute. “Toulonnais” scored 9 tries and gained bonus point. The team is in the second place with 13 points. “Brive” has 5 points and is in the last place.

Davit Khinchagishvili held the first match in “Racing Metro”. His team lost to “Toulousain” of Vasil Kakovin and Jaba Bregvadze 6:30. The Georgian legionaries of the hosts are injured. Khinchagishvili was in lineup and was substituted at the 52nd minute. It is worth mentioning that the guests were losing only 10 points before his substitution. Then, they were scored 2 tries and the opponent gained bonus point. “Toulousain” is in the 4th place with 11 points and “Racing Metro” – in the 11th place with 8 points.

The next round of Top 14 will be held on 8 September.


Zura Ksovreli

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