
14:51 | 17.09.2010 | Viewed 4771

"Second Breath" of Khamashuridze

Matches of XXII Georgian Rugby Championship and "Black Sea Cup" showed that Besik Khamashuridze, a 33-year-old rugby player from Kutaisi, opened "the second breath". Player-coach is a real leader of the team and his great merit is that "Aia" is always leading Georgian Championship.
"Antilopa" (nickname of Khamashuridze) is a distinguished player of this season. He is leading his teammates successfully. "Aia", unlike other Georgian clubs, is playing different rugby where back players play a great role. If we take into consideration that Georgian national team has a new coach who attended all matches of "Black Sea Cup". Khamashuridze played well in these matches. There is a great chance that "Anti" will return to the national team.
"World Sport" contacted Khamashuridze and at first was interested in his impressions about "Black Sea Cup".
- Once again I want to congratulate you on winning "Black Sea Cup". How important was this success for you and your teammates?
- For me, it was like completing collection, boys got a great experience of playing in international matches. It is good that winner team consisted of players from Kutaisi. After playing in youth and other age-group teams, most of them had never played in such tournament. Such tournaments will be good for development of Georgian rugby. Many Georgian players participated in "Black Sea Cup". There were completely different matches and overall, an interesting tournament was founded.
- Do you feel sorry, that you achieved success in the name of "Batumi" not "Aia" Kutaisi?
- It does not matter. All players did their best. In our team only 4-5 players were from Batumi. We were strengthened with players from "Vissol-Kochebi" and other Georgian clubs. Team of West Georgia played better than any special club. The tournament is just founded and after this, we will try to compete in it in the name of Kutaisi. Desert and successful play at Georgian Championship are necessary for it. Last year, "Batumi" earned this right and I was happy that West team won.
- What is your impression about Romanian clubs? We won over them but how do you think, are their clubs more developed than ours?
- The second club seemed weaker. "Arad" had good players. If we take into consideration that "Arad" is always fighting to take first 4 and 5 places at Romanian Championship, there should not be a great difference among "Arad" and the first-the second place winners. We also have 4 clubs and they are playing better than any other clubs. Considering it, we must not be in a worse situation than Romanians. Maybe, we are on the same level. Romanian clubs are in a better financial situation. Our financial situation is improving and soon we will be equal of them. Legionaries are playing for their clubs. We do not have such luxury. With the financial and infrastruction support of the government, we will play better and will overtake Romanians.
- Your team held 2 from 3 matches against Georgian clubs. It would have been better if you had played against foreigners. In your opinion, how the structure of "Black Sea Cup" should be changed?
- IRB decides where and how this tournament will be held in the future. Leadership of Georgian Rugby Union want it to be held in Tbilisi. It is important to increase number of participant countries. It would be better if clubs from Russia, Portugal and other countries will compete in this tournament. It would be better if number of participants will be increased up to 8 and in this case, we will be able to hold more matches against foreigners. By the way, I liked Ukrainian "Kredo" very much. Ukrainians are playing better.
- Now let's talk about Georgian Championship. This year "Aia" is playing the best rugby. How did you manage to get such progress?
- We gained this progress at the expense of professionalism and diligence. We are holding trainings like other countries clubs. We are doing our best. It is worth mentioning, that "Caucasus Online" is our sponsor and it played a great role in improvement of our financial situation. Dressing, meetings, traveling, everything is easy now and matches showed it.
- "Aia" has the best back players.
- My experience and effort of the boys took us on a higher level. At first it was difficult but as a result of trainings, we improved playing with hands.
- "Aia" cannot play in Kutaisi and Vani. Will this factor make you trouble in the fight for the championship?
- We cannot play in Kutaisi and it does not matter whether we play in Vani or in Tbilisi. Our desire is to play in our native town. But unfortunately, we cannot do this. I hope, soon we will have appropriate infrastructure in Kutaisi and we will be able to play there. Now, this is not a hindering factor.
- Goal of "Aia" is to become a champion. In your opinion, what will be the final of Georgian Championship this year?
- I do not know who will play in the final. Our goal is to be among first 4 teams. Then everything will depend on physical, technical, psychological and tactical readiness. I will not say that we are already in the final and we will be champions. We should prove our possibilities in the matches of playoff. Four favorites are known - we, "Lelo", "Lokomotivi" and "Vissol-Kochebi". Perhaps, "Armazi" and "Akademia" will fight and the best team will go through the final.
- Because of your good play, how do you think, will you be able to play for Georgian national team again?
- After playing in France, when I returned to Kutaisi, I was very tired. I have not rested for about 14-15 years. French Championship, national team and Sevens - I needed a rest. Besides that. I was responsible for development of rugby in Kutaisi. I had a failure which is inevitable moment in a career of sportsman. Club is not built in one or two years but the Kutaisi club is playing well now. I think, I opened the second breath and I proved it with my play. Tim Lane did not call me up in the team but I was not ready to play in the national team. Now there is a new coach. New coach watched my play and I showed what I can do. I did not tell anyone to call me up in the team. But if the coach thinks that I can be useful for the national team, I am ready to play there. I want to participate in World Cup again. But it is prerogative of coaches and they will decide whether they call me up or not.

Zura Ksovreli


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