
21:56 | 23.02.2013 | Viewed 1358

Neither Meteorite Helped Russians

Russians stated that Georgians laughed at them – before your team beats us, meteorite will fall down on the earth. Several days ago meteorite fell down in Chelyabinsk and the Russians hoped to win on the day of Soviet Army. But they could not do it again.

The match in Sochi showed that “The Lelos” are better team than “Bears” and the Russians do not have a chance against the Georgians. Our team defeated the Russians by high class and experience. Rugby is an intellectual game. The Russians say the Georgians are physically stronger but brains of 15 Georgians work better than 15 Russians.

Now we know that the Russians will talk about those missed penalties which would have brought them 18 points but it does not change anything. Igor Klyuchnikov and Sergey Ianushkin saw Georgian flags behind goalposts and missed the goal because of the fear. This moment is like when Merab Kvirikashvili missed penalties against English team. If “Bears” had used all shots, I am sure, “The Lelos” would have played better.

In short, everybody expected victory from Sochi on February 23. I wanted to know how beautifully the Georgian team would beat one of the main opponents of Nations Cup. Yes, one of the main opponents because the Russians have defeated Romanians many times and gained a right to play at World Cup 2011. So, it is a very respectable opponent!

What we saw is that our team is not on that level which we want. There were many technical mistakes, wrong decisions, lost line-outs. Let us not to blame referee for it. We won and we are happy but if not Russia, would Romania, Portugal, Spain and Belgium forgive us those 18 points which the Russians could not score? Let us not to blame field surface and those instructions which head coach gave to our boys. Maybe, our boys are not ready to play open rugby.

The 150th anniversary match of the Georgian team was held in wind and rain. The Georgians had advantage in the first 20 minutes. They controlled the ball but were some mistakes and could not score tries. Our first line had advantage but could not use it. We had technical mistakes and could not play well in line-out.

The line-out problem was improved in the middle of the first and second halves. The opponent had less penalties than in the first 40 minutes. At the beginning of the match, dog rushed in the field to help the Russians. Soon “Bears” scored penalty and Igor Klyuchnikov advanced the hosts.

As the Georgians could not score try, Merab Kvirikashvili decided to equalize the score with penalty – 3:3. The Georgian team gained advantage but first, we lost our line-out, then Meko could not throw the ball out well. The Russians had three chances to advance with penalties. Fortunately, Klyuchnikov missed all three penalties. Soon Kvirikashvili took penalty and score it – 6:3. In spite of the advantage of the Georgians, Klyuchnikov won a right to take penalty from 20 meters but missed again.

At the beginning of the second half, Sergey Ianushkin took penalty from 25 meters but he missed too. Klyuchnikov missed another penalty. The Georgian team gained advantage in the last half hour.

The attack of the Georgians ended up with try. Lasha Khmaladze started the attack. Mamuka Gorgodze and Tedo Zibzibadze helped him. Vito Kolelishvili scored try and Kvirikashvili used conversion.

The Russians had a chance to minimize the score but Ianushkin missed again. When Kote Mikautadze was sin-binned, Ianushkin scored. “Bears” were more than the Georgians and tried to use this chance. But the Georgians mobilized and attacked well. Kvirikashvili scored penalty and brought 10-point advantage to the team. It is worth mentioning that, “The Lelos” tried to score try with 14 rugby players but Alexey Volkov was sin-binned.

While playing on 14-14, the Russians managed to break defense line of the Georgians for the first time and if not Kvirikashvili, we could have been scored try. Merab Sharikadze did well on the second attempt but the Georgians broke rule and Sergey Sugrobov scored penalty. Soon Gorgodze scored try and Kvirikashvili used conversion.

Lasha Lomidze and Vazha Khutsishvili had debuts in “The Lelos”. Kingsley Jones, head coach of the Russian team, stated: “I have not seen such thing. The rugby players scored penalties while the practice. Perhaps, pressure and rainy weather affected on them. Our opponent often gave us chances but we could not use them and were punished. Finally, the Georgians broke us”.


European Nations Cup 2013. Qualifying round of World Cup 2015
February 23
Russia. Sochi. 
Russia – Georgia 9:23 (3:6)
Russia: 15. Igor Klyuchnikov, 14. Vasily Artemyev, 13. Dmitry Gerasimov, 12. Alexey Makovetskiy, 11. Mikhail Babaev, 10. Sergey Ianushkin, 9. Alexander Ianushkin); 1. Alexey Volkov, 2. Maxim Timoshuk, 3. Andrey Igrotsev, 4. Alexander Voytov, 5. Kirill Kulemin,  6. Andrey Temnov, 7. Pavel Butenko, 8. Viktor Gresev.
Substitutes: 16. Andrey Polivalov, 17. Evgeny Pronenko, 18. Innokenty Zykov, 19. Pavel Kvernadze, 20. Artem Fatakhov,  21. Alexey Shcherban, 22. Sergey Sugrobov, 23. Sergey Trishin.
Head coach: Kingsley Jones (Wales)
Georgia: 15. Lasha Khmaladze, 14. Tamaz Mchedlidze, 13. Tedo Zibzibadze, 12. Merab Sharikadze, 11. Irakli Machkhaneli, 10. Merab Kvirikashvili, 9. Giorgi Begadze, 1. Mikheil Nariashvili, 2. Iuri Natriashvili, 3. Davit Zirakashvili, 4. Giorgi Chkhaidze, 5. Konstantine Mikautadze, 6. Shalva Sutiashvili, 7. Mamuka Gorgodze, 8. Dimitri Basilaia.
Substitutes: 16. Shalva Mamukashvili, 17. Vasil Kakovin, 18. Davit Kubriashvili, 19. Lasha Lomidze, 20. Vito Kolelishvili, 21. Vazha Khutsishvili, 22. Davit Kacharava, 23. Beka Tsiklauri.
Head coach:  Milton Haig (New Zealand)

Spain – Romania 15:25
Portugal – Belgium 18:12



1 Georgia 3 3 0 0 65-34 12
2 Romania 2 2 0 0 48-27 8
3 Russia 3 1 0 2 36-61 4
4 Belgium 2 0 1 1 34-38 3
5 Spain 2 0 1 1 30-34 3
6 Portugal 2 0 0 2 25-44 1


March 9
Georgia - Spain
Portugal - Russia
Belgium - Romania

March 16
Romania - Georgia

Spain - Portugal

Russia - Belgium



Zura Ksovreli

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