
15:13 | 2.07.2013 | Viewed 1658

7s with a Different System



The rugby-7 championship of Georgia this year will take place on excellent system. Superiority will pass not in three, and two stages and at the first stage of team will play by the regional principle - in East and Western divisions.

The first stage is appointed to July 6-7.

In the Western division 6 teams - Kutaisi "Aja" and "Bagrati", Batumi as "Batumi" and "Delfinebi", potiisky "Kolkhi Raindebi" and ozurgetsky "Artsivebi" will act. Games will take place in Poti, at stadium in Maltakva, and proceeding from small quantity of teams, the winner will come to light in one day. These six teams are distributed on two groups. In the first "Aja", "Kolkhi Raindebi" and "Artsivebi", got to the second - "Batumi", "Bagrati" and "Delfinebi". Two best teams from each group will continue fight in a semi-final, two worst will play for the 5th place. Winners of semifinal meetings will be overcome for a title of the champion of the West, and lost - for the 3rd place. In a final stage there are three best teams of a division.

In East division of 10 teams and all from them represent the capital - "Academy", "Kochebi", "Hooligan", "Mglebi", "Devebi", "Lokomotivi", "Dzhikebi", Ti Bee Si, "Iveria" and GTU. Matches will pass on training base of the national team of Georgia "Shevardeni" and two days will last. In the first group "Academy", "Kochebi" will play, "Hooligan", "Mglebi" and "Devebi", and the second - "Lokomotivi", "Dzhikebi", Ti Bee Si, "Iveriya" and GTU. Two best teams from each group pass in a semi-final and as from East division on the final stage 5 teams get, they, having already permits, will be overcome for a title of the best team of the East. The teams which have taken the third and fourth places in groups also in semi-finals will continue fight for the last - 5th - the permit. Two worst teams of groups will play for the 9th place.

5 best teams of East division and 3 best teams Western will gather for "Shevardeni" on July 13-14th and will reveal among themselves the champion of the country. In the 2012th year, in the sum of three stages, the champion was "Academy" which won only one stage, but as a whole gathered 54 points and on 2 points outstripped "Lelo" who won at two stages, but failed the third.


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